Individual supporters have always been at the heart of the International Organ Festival – but they have never been needed more so than now. 

The International Organ Festival does not qualify for national arts funding, and corporate sponsorship which in the past played a significant part, has gone.  We are very grateful to various trusts for their generosity, but overwhelmingly we depend on the financial and practical support of individuals for the Festival to survive and thrive. 

Our internationally renowned organ competitions cost some £80,000 to run, but generate little income. If you appreciate the role they have played in enhancing the development of young organists worldwide over over 60 years, your support will help ensure that we can continue this vital work.  And if you are attracted by the idea of supporting our diverse range of other musical and arts activities, your support will help with that too.

In between festivals we run regular concerts – and, of course, as soon as one Festival ends, the work for the next begins – and your support enables us to continue to do that.

So please join one of our Supporters’ Schemes – and be part of something very special, indeed unique.

Join our Supporters now

You may also choose to:

Become a Member of the International Organ Festival Society

Join our list of Sponsors or Corporate Supporters

Or you can simply donate online now.

Here are some ways of making your support go further:

Gift Aid. If you are a taxpayer, and sign a Gift Aid declaration, the Festival will receive £1.25 for every £1 you give. Higher rate taxpayers can recover further benefits from HMRC.

Legacies. Please remember us in your will. Gifts to charities reduce your estate for assessment of Inheritance Tax.
Find out more

Annual tax return. If you complete a Self-Assessment tax return, you can nominate a charity to receive all or part of any repayment of tax due to you.

Shares. If you give quoted shares to charity, you can deduct the full value from your taxable income and save any capital gains tax which might be due.

Corporate Social Responsibility. Demonstrate your commitment to the community by supporting the Festival and receive a tailored package of sponsorship benefits. Gifts receive relief through corporation tax.

Contact us for more information
Telephone 01727 844765